What We Do

We offer a wide range of programs and services designed to promote holistic wellness, cultural preservation, and community support.

  • Wellness Workshops

    We host workshops focused on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being, guided by traditional Indigenous practices and teachings.

  • Cultural Events

    We organize events that celebrate and preserve our rich cultural heritage, such as gatherings, ceremonies, and culture-based workshops.

  • Community Support

    We provide trauma-informed care and support services to those who have experienced trauma, ensuring a safe and compassionate environment for healing.

  • Educational Programs

    We offer educational resources and mentorship opportunities to empower individuals and promote personal and community growth.

“Suddenly, all my ancestors are behind me. Be still, they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands.”

Linda Hogan, Chickasaw Poet

Program Details

Cultural and Wellness Workshops

Providing holistic healing through culturally relevant workshops that incorporate traditional practices and modern therapeutic techniques, enhancing the mental, physical, and emotional well-being of participants while strengthening cultural connections and community engagement.

Programming for Survivors of Sexual Harm and Violence

Offering tailored support and healing programs for survivors, incorporating both modern and traditional therapeutic techniques to aid in their recovery and empowerment.

Traditional Plants and Medicines

We educate and promote the use of traditional plants and medicines as part of our holistic health initiatives. This program aims to revive and sustain Indigenous knowledge of medicinal plants, empowering communities to use natural remedies for health and wellness. Workshops and educational sessions ensure the transmission of this valuable knowledge to future generations.

Indigenous Language Revitalization

Indigenous Language Revitalization is a cornerstone of our efforts to preserve and strengthen cultural identity. We offer support to educational programs and community initiatives designed to teach and promote Indigenous languages. By supporting language learning and usage, we aim to keep these vital aspects of cultural heritage alive and thriving.

1-on-1 Healing Sessions

Offering personalized care with cultural wellness practitioners, including trauma-informed yoga, brushings, spirit baths, meditation, acupuncture, massage, sound bath therapy, and aromatherapy, to support trauma recovery and improve overall health.

Indigenous Yoga Collective 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Program

We have a partnership with the Indigenous Yoga Collective (https://www.indigenousyogacollective.com/) which offers a comprehensive 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training program. This program is designed to empower individuals by integrating Indigenous wellness practices while honoring the lineage of yoga. Participants are trained to become certified yoga instructors, equipped with the skills to promote holistic health and well-being within their communities.

Food Sovereignty Initiatives

Rooted Resiliency’s Food Sovereignty Initiatives support community-led efforts to achieve food sovereignty through traditional food harvesting practices and education. By promoting sustainable harvesting practices rooted in Indigenous knowledge systems, we aim to enhance food security and nutrition within Indigenous communities, fostering self-sufficiency and resilience.

Support for Front-line Workers

Providing self-care and wellness resources to recovery coaches, crisis response teams, and victim advocates, ensuring they have the necessary support for their mental and emotional health.

Cultural Land-based Healing Retreats

Our Cultural Land-based Healing Retreats provide immersive healing experiences in natural settings. These retreats incorporate traditional land-based practices and rituals to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Participants reconnect with nature and their cultural roots, fostering a sense of belonging and resilience.

Traditional Cultural Art Forms

Our program dedicated to Traditional Cultural Art Forms preserves and promotes Indigenous arts. Through workshops, exhibitions, and community projects, we ensure that traditional skills and knowledge are passed down to future generations. This initiative not only celebrates culture but also provides economic opportunities for Indigenous artists.